What we do
Team Read believes all kids deserve to be great readers and teens should have access to a meaningful, paid first job. We work to close education opportunity gaps through a unique cross-age, one-on-one tutoring program after school and during the summer.
Why we do it
By fourth grade, reading is essential to learn and succeed academically. Children who enter school already behind in their knowledge of language and related skills need support beyond the classroom to become great readers.

How it works
Team Read pairs second and third grade students (and fourth grade where available) who are reading at least one year below grade level proficiency with trained teen reading coaches for one-on-one tutoring support. Our dual-impact model helps young students to become confident readers equipped for academic success, and teens to develop work and life skills that support their transition to college and future employment.
Coach Corner: Reflections with Charlie
By Charlie Moon, Team Read intern from the Bush School Teen coaches are the backbone of Team Read, as they are the ones who work in close...
Team Read: Continually Committed to Our Students and Our Values
When you visit a Team Read site, you’ll meet elementary school students and teen coaches with a variety of life experiences. You’ll meet some...
February Theme: Sea of Hearts
Welcome to February, where a love of reading is in the air! This month, our readers and coaches are focusing on fluency to increase comprehension....
How can you help?

Powerful Pairs
The magic of Team Read is the near peer connection between coach and reader.
Third grader Queen began the school year reading at a kindergarten level. The books she finished were simple pattern books with one or two lines on each page. She struggled with significant behaviors that impacted her ability to learn in the full classroom setting. But when Queen met her Team Read coach Kristin on the first day of program in November, the pair connected immediately. No matter how tough a day she had at school, Queen begged to come to Team Read and read with Kristin.
The pair started to read longer books. They practiced phonics strategies and worked together to memorize sight words. “Queen particularly loves to work on sight words! From the start to now, I can clearly see her growth in building vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension,” says Kristin. “She has demonstrated tremendous effort in reading and when she finds the right book, remains engaged throughout.” Supported by her teacher, school staff, and her coach Kristin, Queen finished the year reading at a second grade level and continues to make great strides with her work.
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Lisa Bontje (Photographer)
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