As Team Read heads into the second half of the year, our students have been reading up a storm and making great literacy gains.
Team Read students have already read more than 3,500 books since October.
By reading all those books and practicing skills with their coaches, readers are showing strong and significant evidence of progress in reading levels! Principals, site coordinators and teachers report significant reading gains from individual students at all our tutoring sites, with dozens of students already performing three reading levels higher than when they started the program.
Team Read tracks student progress using a range of metrics. In addition to guided reading levels, our site teams also monitor total books read by each student, total vocabulary levels completed, total phonics lessons learned, as well as student attendance.
Principals and referring teachers communicate classroom gains to us as well, and share effective strategies for our reading coaches to use during tutoring sessions.
Team Read management meets with all our principal partners, as well as community partners and The Seattle Public Library staff to share mid-year progress reports and assess student needs on an individual basis.
Teen reading coaches customize their work with students based on feedback from our partners. Teen coaches will also attend workshops at the end of March to learn how to help students build independent reading skills for springtime and beyond.