Before all school-based programming was cut short due to COVID-19, our young readers were making great progress! Unfortunately we do not have post-program data, but we did track progress up to mid-year and that data shows nearly 40% of 2nd and 3rd grade Team Read students increased one or more grade levels in reading by early 2020. Given how this tracks with previous years, we are confident that this year’s readers would have surely met or exceeded our 70% target if programs continued. Since all our students start the program at least a year behind grade level proficiency, this is remarkable growth!
Student Readers
Student Readers
- 100% of site coordinators say students become better readers as a result of Team Read
- 100% of principals say Team Read is a high quality program
- 92% of parents would recommend Team Read to another family
Reading Coaches
- 94% say Team Read gave them a chance to make a difference
- 89% say Team Read gave them skills they can use in other work settings
- 94% are proud to be part of Team Read