Team Read launched across 13 sites in Seattle and Highline in November. Teen reading coaches were on-site a week early to meet with their site coordinators, become familiar with their tutoring sites and prepare for student arrivals. Team Read 2nd and 3rd graders arrived eager to work with the teens.
“The little kids were so excited to get started with their coaches,” said Team Read Site Coordinator Rachel Peizer. “They were stopping me in the hallway, asking me when Team Read starts. It’s a magical time, when the little kids get to meet their coaches.”
Team Read will serve more than 700 kids and teens this year by offering innovative one-on-one tutoring sessions. Teens who work in the program in Seattle have the options to earn hourly pay, college tuition funds, or service learning hours for their work in the program. Teens and students will meet twice per week, through the third week of May, at tutoring sites.