During the month of October, former Team Read reading coaches and other supporters donated 341 beautiful new books that will inspire students to dive into reading with enthusiasm and joy! Thanks to everyone who participated in our second annual Alumni Book Drive:*
Alex, Amanda K., Amanda F., Bill, Brandon, Brittany, Caroline, E.J. & Sissi, Galene, The Coleman-Graves Family, The Hoffman Family, Ian, Jessica, John, Judy, Kim, Kris, Kristine, Lin & My, Lucy, Maria, Marian, Mary, Maureen, The Maw Family, The Nichols Family, Rachel, Renee, Sayuri, Sean, Sienna & Luke, Tagoipah, Tam, Wanda, Yolanda
*We apologize if your name was left off this list. Some donations did not include a gift receipt and we could not identify the donor.