Something Unexpected

By Grace Johnson, Team Read Reading Coach Something unexpected always happens when I work with children… I had a whole summer under my belt as a Camp Counselor, so I was no stranger to the challenges and joys that come when working with kids. Yet, my time as a reading...

A New Face at Team Read

Trent Haaker, our recently hired Seattle Project Coordinator, is the newest member of our team, taking the role Jeanette Eisenberg vacated when she stepped into the Program Director position. Trent is  busy  getting to know our program sites throughout Seattle but...

A Joyful Sendoff For a Real Life Superhero

When Bill Eisele arrived in August 2007, Team Read had just clocked its first decade pairing high school reading coaches with student readers in Seattle Public Schools, and our offices were still in a beloved old classroom at Leschi Elementary. Over the decade and a...

3-2-1 and we’re off!

We’re up and running at all our elementary school sites in the Seattle, Highline, and Renton school districts and working with Tukwila on their timeline to launch. While some students are still in process to be matched with a coach, we anticipate pairing approximately...