Lunch and Learn!

We’ve missed you! We hope you can join us for our first in-person fundraising event since 2020! Enjoy a light lunch and hear a lively panel discussion about how Team Read is responding to today’s crucial need for one-on-one reading support and tutoring. This event is...
Fall 2021 Coach Training

Fall 2021 Coach Training

Over the past few weeks, Team Read provided online training for 180+ teen reading coaches in preparation for the 2021-22 Seattle school year program. It was great to see lots of returning coaches, as well as many new faces, eager to learn more about their role in...

Summer Reading Recommendations

1. The Lion of Mars by Jennifer L. Holm Release Date: January, 2021Age Range: 8-12 years About: Bell, who’s spent all eleven years of his life on Mars, is curious about his planet and the secrets the adults in his life are keeping from him about it. When they all fall...