Vanessa, a senior at Cleveland STEM High School, is the Site Assistant at Dearborn Park Elementary in the Seattle School District. Vanessa started with Team Read her freshman year, when all our programs were online due to the pandemic. Since her sophomore year, Vanessa has worked as a site assistant, supporting site coordinators and her fellow coaches.

“Team Read has substantially prepared me for working in professional environments,” Vanessa shares. “Taking on this leadership role has taught me how to be organized, give useful feedback, and ensure everything’s going smoothly.”

After 3 and a half years working with Team Read, Vanessa hasn’t lost sight of the reason she continues to show up for younger students. When asked how she stays motivated, Vanessa replies, “I believe every kid deserves an opportunity to enhance their reading skills. Reading is such an important skill to have and can deeply impact your day-to-day interactions.” Vanessa reflects back on her time as an online coach and shares, “I had such an amazing Reader when I was a Coach. It was definitely difficult coaching someone through our screens, but she was always ready to learn with a smile on her face. Every day was a memorable moment! She was a smart kid and profoundly improved in her reading skills.”

When asked what book she would recommend to her fellow coaches, this future-minded teen goes with Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Richard Kiyosaki.

Thank you, Vanessa for your amazing work with Team Read! You’ve made a difference for so many readers and coaches. We’re glad you’re part of our Team!