We’ve missed you! We hope you can join us for our first in-person fundraising event since 2020!
This event is free with a suggested donation of $150.
Thursday, March 2
12-1:30 PM
The Panoramic Center at Pacific Tower
1200 12th Ave S. Seattle, WA
Registration for this event has closed. Please email development@teamread.org with questions.
The event will take place on the 8th floor of the Pacific Tower. Parking is available in the garage on the west side of the building.
11:30 AM–Doors Open
12:00-1:00 PM–Lunch and Program
1:00-1:30–Social and Networking Time
Can’t make it? You can donate here, and stay tuned for information about future events!
Thank you to our event sponsors:

Artwork by Karen Lewis, Illustrator