Call for Submissions
Team Read reading coaches are given the opportunity to develop critical college, career, and life skills through training, support and meaningful paid tutoring jobs. Each year, hundreds of Team Read alumni graduate high school and head off to college or start a successful career. Beginning in August 2016, we will be highlighting former reading coaches in a series called, Team Read Alumni: Where Are They Now? These stories will be featured on social media and the Team Read website. For a chance to be included, please send the following items to Kristin Galioto at
- Current job title and company
- Dates and number of years you were a reading coach. If you were involved in any other ways (student reader, volunteer, Board member), please include this information as well.
- 1-2 paragraphs about your experience with Team Read and how it has helped you succeed personally and professionally
- Portrait/head shot
Please note, this is an ongoing series and one former reading coach will be featured each month. There is no deadline for submissions.